
"A room without books is like a body without a soul." - Cicero

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Meet Me In Fantasyland by Mary Martinez

If you want a cute, funny and charming story, this is the story for you! Also if you want a quick read, this is also the story for you. Meet Me In Fantasyland is the story of-shall we say-two people destined to be together. Rissa and Rob were childhood friends, best friends, until Rob moved away the summer before they went off to college. Rob had always been in love with Rissa, but Rissa was oblivious of his feelings.

Now, almost 25 years later, Rissa is going through a divorce, and in the middle of clearing out her soon to be, ex-husband's possessions, she stumbles across her old diary. A diary that stated Rissa and Rob were to meet 25 years later at the bridge leading to Cinderella's Castle in Disney World.

Should Rissa go? will Rob show up? Will he have a family? Those were the questions Rissa asked her herself as she made her mind up.

Did he show up? Was he still in love with her? Did she finally see him the way he saw her all those years ago? I guess you'll have to buy this e-book and find out for yourself. A cutesy story...

...lost half a star because I felt it moved a little bit too quick.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thank you Jennifer for the fun and wonderful review for Meet Me In Fantasyland.