
"A room without books is like a body without a soul." - Cicero

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Match Made In Hell by Terri Garey

This is the sequel to Dead Girls Are Easy. It continues shortly after Nicki Styx puts Caprice's spirit to rest. Nicki can still see dead people and is trying to cope with her new ability. Sexy doctor Joe Bascombe is still sticking it out with her.

Things become more complicated for Nicki when a ghost enters her store asking for help. Spoiler Alert: Nicki finds her long lost twin sister. She isn't long lost to Nicki, since up until recently she didn't even know about her existence. But she is Joe's long lost wife.

Nicki is stuck between emotions. On one hand, she's kind of intrigued, even a little happy, to meet and get to know her sister. On the other hand, she's Joe's wife and it looks like she might still have feelings for him.

If that wasn't enough of a complication; because of her kind heart (don't let her catch you saying that) she lets her sister move in with her. Fun, eh? Especially when Nicki and Joe are in the next room bumping uglies.

You want more conflict? Well, here you go! Long lost relatives begin to appear and a family house with many skeletons, not only in the closet, but in the pantry as well. And Nicki has a feeling that the man her sister has been speaking with may be a ghost. Talk about family resemblance!

Did I mention the devil is trying to seduce her as well?

Do you need any more reasons to read this book? I don't think so!!!

A Match Made In Hell by Terri Garey. Buy it!

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